Sunday, February 16, 2014

We Never Get More Than We Can Handle

Many years ago I had a bad accident that burned both my lungs.  At the time I was told there was nothing that could be done short of a miracle called a transplant.  Not having any medical insurance, I assumed that would never take place. 
I had had a near death experience that changed many of my thoughts so there was no fear in death just the frustration of dealing with all the uncertainty.  The doctors at the time gave me a short time to live, and so I was making the best of a bad set of circumstances. 

Not being able to go to work any longer or hold a job my choices became very few.  My credit card was the only thing that bailed me out at that time.  I had hoped for the inevitable to just come and get it all over with, that was my hope, but it wouldn't be that easy. 

I learned to live with the struggle of breathing like I had a straw in my mouth.  I couldn't wear clothing around my waist because it would cut off my breath in a heartbeat it was either a dress or night clothes.  Life was much different in every aspect.  I could not lift, I couldn't push, but I could carry a little maybe 2 or 3 pounds.  As time went by my body had atrophied a great deal I only weighed about 105.

I learned to prepare my meals and to cook also to take my time doing it.  I could only shower, baths were a thing of the past, it was too hard to get in and out, so I used a shower chair.  I couldn't stand up because I didn't have the strength in my legs.  The water couldn't be too hot it would take my breath away, even though I wore the oxygen 24 hours a day even in the shower. 

I learned that cool showers were not so bad if you wanted to stay clean.  
There were so many things that changed in my life after the accident.   I couldn't drive my car for long periods of time.  On inclement days I moved as slow as a snail. The moisture in the air would fill my lungs with anxiety, my breath would become short and raspy, and my body would shake with weakness.

It was challenging in many ways but I had lots of time to think of what had happened to me.  Where I had went, who I had seen and what I had learned when I was on the other side.  These were all valuable things to me and later I would see the importance for you as well and for myself as well.

It took me a long time to discover the blessings in my crisis, because they were hidden in every obstacle that I lived with each and every day.  Each one a blessing tucked away if you will. 

When I began to use my ability’s I would see what was really taking place around me, there were several years that would pass before I received my transplants. 

My silver lining was not the ability to foresee the future, but it was to learn how to live more graciously and comfortably with gratitude and awareness.  I learned to take my sickness and my challenges and improve on them as best I could.

I started working out three days a week at the hospital, with other individuals like myself in a pulmonary rehabilitation class.  I would do that over the course of the next 17 years.

 Life had handed me a bunch of lemons but I chose to make lemonade. I began to look deeper into my own problems and see the opportunity that was really there.  My heart began to talk to my soul or my soul began to talk to my heart!  The nice thing was my mind heard it all and everything about me started moving forward.
 I was learning to accept the new me.  Fragility was now a part of my new body as well as my life.  I opened my mind to spirit for the guidance that I would need to become stronger.  I learned to allow people to help me because it made them feel good, so two for the price of one so to speak. 

My thoughts were thank you God.  Thank you for everything that I have received.  Thank you for what I'm learning and thank you for being you!  I began to see that God didn't give me any- more than I could handle.  
In the many years before having my two lung transplants, I grew in many ways.  
Grateful to have learned in the manner that I did!  Thankful that I continue to grow in so many different ways with spirit it has been very gratifying.  Don't get me wrong I have had my challenges... But it's been worth it.

I realized that God had given me the perfect life to learn and to grow.  The accident was necessary, so that I might evolve to a higher plane of consciousness in gratitude.  I saw that being grateful for something that hurt me I still come out with unconditional love for life and its circumstances.  Being with spirit has been worth it every step of the way.

Ø I've been able to see my self-awareness discovered through all my experiences. 
Ø The transformation that was necessary of my personality to spirit and my higher consciousness better known as my body mind and soul continue to teach me well.
Ø We are never given a problem that we can't solve and love by ourselves or even with the help of other people.
Ø When you first encounter a situation quiet yourself and see the blessings that are in disguise.
I I want to leave you with this thought...

      When you listen to the wisdom of your heart and soul and live the life of unconditional love, you'll find it is full of miracles of every kind imaginable.  So many wonderful things can and will become a part of your life. 

     Your body listens to your thoughts.  Your cells create new life inside you, all the while inspired to be filled with love, lite and happiness.  

       You will not allow negativity to come close to you.  Only positive reassurance of all types will be allowed to enter into your thoughts, and all the benefits that reside deep within you are descried by your faith of understanding the knowing.

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