Sunday, February 23, 2014

We Can Always Choose to Be Better, Otherwise....Why Would There be a Tomorrow?

When we want to heal we need to know that it is going to take effort on our part to bring it to our own reality, in the physical as well as our spiritual sides.  We can use a facilitator but we need to know that if we are not ready to clean house it will remain dirty, as I like to call it.

Remember that God is always there to support you in your desire.  If you want to call him by another name, you are still being heard at all times.  It’s up to you to start the ball rollin, do you want to change? Or are you afraid?  

Maybe you have hung on to your fear so long it has become a part of you.  My question to you is this.  

Does it suit you higher good? Does it?

I’m a believer in God because I know His love is for us all! Ask yourself…then you will know what you need after that.  Self really matters! If you are thinking that everyone else is to blame for your feelings, than please wake up and allow yourself the privilege to change today.

We might have experienced something from someone else but it’s up to us on how we react to it.
It has taken my death, as well as the ongoing lesson living in this physical body gives me to learn the value of living; you don’t have to go that way. However if your hard headed like I was well I guess you’ll pick your path.

I believe for some of us it can be a slow transition, but it is healing no matter how you look at it.
Most people these days are angry because they feel out of control….Well…maybe that control is what we need to look at?  Why should we want to control anything?  Maybe we should want to be understood as well as be understanding of others and their dilemmas as well as our own?

When I was growin' up there was a song that sang like this: "Slow down you move to fast ya got to make that mornin' last!" 

Very true words to learn from! Just because everyone else is runnin wild does that mean you gotta run to?  Shoot far, get a hold of yourself and do what feels right for you!

This life we are all living right now is movin' at a very fast pace.  We did not see our world end in 2012… but thank God the way that humanity has been living certainly will! Big changes comin' our way, and for the good, even more so, for the people who have "woken up" so to speak!

Our lives need fulfillment, so get up and start filling your life with meaning and with purpose. Let’s clean house!  If you want to change just listen to the spirit that resides inside of you.   Feel it… know it… allow yourself to become that person that is in your thoughts, and you will start the change today.

Funny thing about when we see others and feel the shift taken place they will want it to! We really aren’t that much different from one another, when we’re being truthful with ourselves.  In order to make a fresh start lets begin with this thought or affirmation today.

We’re learning on a different level of consciousness, one that entitles us all to the

Knowledge that our creator (God) originally gave to us, but only if we chose it.

We are strong people better known as spiritual beings of light, and that’s hard for some of us to comprehend.  Yet now’s the time that we have chosen to be a part of this huge change here on earth, because we are lost in the physical materialism of it all!  

This is a deep learning for our soul’s to recognize the importance of what you individually are experiencing.  If you can feel it you will know it!

Open yourself up to this beautiful knowing of the oneness that you can share with spirit.  Then you will begin to awaken the understanding of inner awareness that you have had along this life’s journey you have been traveling on.  

I want to thank Spirit for helping me with this higher knowledge of what we need to hear and recognize.  The importance for us all to love again is appearing now out of our need.  More than ever before is open to you now don’t let it slip away with foolish thoughts.

You will have times that are going to be rough on ya, because that is the way a physical existence will portray itself to us.  Your whole life has led you to this point of recognition and awakening your inner loyalty to the joy of being who you really are.  

Now allow your- self to become as one again with spirit.  It can be the beginning of awakening your sweet inner Spiritual being again.  Doing the goodwill that everyone needs including that of yourself.  Know this that it is Eternal-land open to you, as long as you desire to change for the better of self.

I want to thank all you folks for making my path so enjoyable; my life is so full of love from all of you.  I want you to feel reassurance that you can and will find your path back to happiness and gratitude for life and all its wonders.

If you ever need me please call 801-263-8594 to make an appointment or to ask questions.  I know it is getting harder to get an appointment right away.  That is why I am tryin to get these meetings of events and book publishing up and runnin as soon as possible.

If you need to know about your deceased loved ones you can come and see me at these events.  I will always close with questions and answers for you.  I made a promise to the Guardian many years ago, and I’m just tryin to keep it strong.

All My Love, Karen

Sunday, February 16, 2014

We Never Get More Than We Can Handle

Many years ago I had a bad accident that burned both my lungs.  At the time I was told there was nothing that could be done short of a miracle called a transplant.  Not having any medical insurance, I assumed that would never take place. 
I had had a near death experience that changed many of my thoughts so there was no fear in death just the frustration of dealing with all the uncertainty.  The doctors at the time gave me a short time to live, and so I was making the best of a bad set of circumstances. 

Not being able to go to work any longer or hold a job my choices became very few.  My credit card was the only thing that bailed me out at that time.  I had hoped for the inevitable to just come and get it all over with, that was my hope, but it wouldn't be that easy. 

I learned to live with the struggle of breathing like I had a straw in my mouth.  I couldn't wear clothing around my waist because it would cut off my breath in a heartbeat it was either a dress or night clothes.  Life was much different in every aspect.  I could not lift, I couldn't push, but I could carry a little maybe 2 or 3 pounds.  As time went by my body had atrophied a great deal I only weighed about 105.

I learned to prepare my meals and to cook also to take my time doing it.  I could only shower, baths were a thing of the past, it was too hard to get in and out, so I used a shower chair.  I couldn't stand up because I didn't have the strength in my legs.  The water couldn't be too hot it would take my breath away, even though I wore the oxygen 24 hours a day even in the shower. 

I learned that cool showers were not so bad if you wanted to stay clean.  
There were so many things that changed in my life after the accident.   I couldn't drive my car for long periods of time.  On inclement days I moved as slow as a snail. The moisture in the air would fill my lungs with anxiety, my breath would become short and raspy, and my body would shake with weakness.

It was challenging in many ways but I had lots of time to think of what had happened to me.  Where I had went, who I had seen and what I had learned when I was on the other side.  These were all valuable things to me and later I would see the importance for you as well and for myself as well.

It took me a long time to discover the blessings in my crisis, because they were hidden in every obstacle that I lived with each and every day.  Each one a blessing tucked away if you will. 

When I began to use my ability’s I would see what was really taking place around me, there were several years that would pass before I received my transplants. 

My silver lining was not the ability to foresee the future, but it was to learn how to live more graciously and comfortably with gratitude and awareness.  I learned to take my sickness and my challenges and improve on them as best I could.

I started working out three days a week at the hospital, with other individuals like myself in a pulmonary rehabilitation class.  I would do that over the course of the next 17 years.

 Life had handed me a bunch of lemons but I chose to make lemonade. I began to look deeper into my own problems and see the opportunity that was really there.  My heart began to talk to my soul or my soul began to talk to my heart!  The nice thing was my mind heard it all and everything about me started moving forward.
 I was learning to accept the new me.  Fragility was now a part of my new body as well as my life.  I opened my mind to spirit for the guidance that I would need to become stronger.  I learned to allow people to help me because it made them feel good, so two for the price of one so to speak. 

My thoughts were thank you God.  Thank you for everything that I have received.  Thank you for what I'm learning and thank you for being you!  I began to see that God didn't give me any- more than I could handle.  
In the many years before having my two lung transplants, I grew in many ways.  
Grateful to have learned in the manner that I did!  Thankful that I continue to grow in so many different ways with spirit it has been very gratifying.  Don't get me wrong I have had my challenges... But it's been worth it.

I realized that God had given me the perfect life to learn and to grow.  The accident was necessary, so that I might evolve to a higher plane of consciousness in gratitude.  I saw that being grateful for something that hurt me I still come out with unconditional love for life and its circumstances.  Being with spirit has been worth it every step of the way.

Ø I've been able to see my self-awareness discovered through all my experiences. 
Ø The transformation that was necessary of my personality to spirit and my higher consciousness better known as my body mind and soul continue to teach me well.
Ø We are never given a problem that we can't solve and love by ourselves or even with the help of other people.
Ø When you first encounter a situation quiet yourself and see the blessings that are in disguise.
I I want to leave you with this thought...

      When you listen to the wisdom of your heart and soul and live the life of unconditional love, you'll find it is full of miracles of every kind imaginable.  So many wonderful things can and will become a part of your life. 

     Your body listens to your thoughts.  Your cells create new life inside you, all the while inspired to be filled with love, lite and happiness.  

       You will not allow negativity to come close to you.  Only positive reassurance of all types will be allowed to enter into your thoughts, and all the benefits that reside deep within you are descried by your faith of understanding the knowing.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Growing Through Spirit and Discovering Oneness

  Many of my clients whom I have guided spiritually have found it surprising when the individual begins to grow and expand their own awareness. It is because they begin to recognize the spiritual responsiveness that seems to be cradled all around them.

 The reason for this is simple… As you begin to retrieve more and more knowledge you begin to feel the pure joy and energy of the power that can be developed. This is a direct result of your inner consciousness beginning to except the REAL you.   

   The depth of spiritual existence, and God the creator, fills every part of our soul, and starts to spread as if it were a wild fire.  Peace is found when you KNOW what to do, and how to begin to create it, thus allowing it to become a bigger part of self.

Pure consciousness and the enlightened energies will start to grow deep within you. 

When you feel the oneness starting to grow within you, you feel as if you are a part of the very existence of all things, being one with one in all manner.  

We all desire happiness, and the joy of loving, as well as creating a life that is meaningful. All true spiritual insight begins with awareness of the Divine Consciousness.   

When we start to recognize that we are really the inner essence of Spirit.  We begin to feel that others are the same as we are, and that their indifference's are just as important as ours are, and then we begin to release the hidden blocks that we might have placed there before our inner awakening.

When we truly wish to create kindness and happiness in our lives, we can.  It’s not just the wanting it to happen, WE have to create it, with OUR intent!  

If we truly desire happiness and want change, yet wallow in self pity and cry about it and do nothing different …then nothing changes …ever!  We have to step up to the plate and put aside all of our indifference's with life, and start to create a NEW direction of contentment. 

If we create from an experience like this, then we begin to gain much respect from our peers, as the self-love grows within ourselves. The beauty about this experience, is that it is contagious. 

I believe we are all headed in this direction. 

The spiritual consciousness that our people have created, is growing.  

Join me as we discover and create peace. For many of you that are seeking change and spiritual awareness, know that there are people such as myself who through Spirit, can guide and uncover the darkness for you. I am only a phone call, email and visit away. 

As always God Bless you! 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

After A Near Death Experience

       Twenty years ago the NDE experiencer had never been heard of.  Many people had been having these experiences, but no one had ever documented any ones story until, Dr. Ramon Moody with “Life after Life”. 
  Most NDE experiencers will tell you that they look at life much differently after having their experience.  Nothing is the same for us, we have to struggle with the memories and the change all alone.  People think that it is a piece of cake, but I’m here to tell you… it isn't!  The experience was the most beautiful thing I have ever had happen to me.  My life afterwards, was very difficult to live with, due to the changes that came with the experience, as well as what my family had to go through. 
       For an experiencer it is something that is held very precious to our spirit. It is hard to explain to people the depth of love that pours over us from the other side, at every second of our lives. It’s like nothing that you have every felt in your physical life and through my experience, that much I know for sure. 

      People tend to look at us differently after finding out that you have had the experience. They treat us differently and ask all kinds of questions about what it was like. Most of us need a few years to realize just what did take place, and the “why me?” attitude seems to haunt a lot of us during the first two to four years preceding the NDE.  Most come back with a fairly good memory of what happened, however some of us relive it daily and remember more as we go along in life.
      Husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, and wives tend to fall to the way side after a few years, because it is too hard for them to grasp what has really happened to the person they loved they feel like they have been replaced with Spirit instead because the change is so great. 
      Not all NDE’rs come back with intuitive ways.  The percentage of us that have received these gifts are few, most of us come back with a new found way of communicating with people and the deep desire to help man- kind.  As much as we want to help like most human beings we have are off days and that is part of living with being different. We have major changes in our physiological understanding as well as our psychological perceptions, nothing is the same at all.   

      I love the fact that OUR creator is always close to us all.  The fact that He is always generally right about life’s issues makes me feel good.
      I notice that I was very sensitive to people’s feelings as well as becoming very aware of how much I truly loved and cared for people of all walks of life.  Experiencers are very sensitive to people and their needs, there is an ongoing desire to help in whatever way we can. 
      Organized religion had nothing to do with my first experience. Although I did see the Guardian he helped me grow within myself, for the change that was coming, a change that I wasn't aware of at the time.

  People that have had an experience, are not all knowing, we are just aware of the ONENESS that we shared on the other side, which we bring back to earth with us.

   I like to think of myself as being the small change in the bottom of the purse as I like to remind people.   The responsibilities of the task seems to be over whelming at times then we have to remember, we get no more than what we can handle and we surely receive nothing less. 

    As the Guardian told me twenty years ago,

“Here you are as one, with one, to be as one, in all ways …remember that in all ways.”